Uses of Package
Packages that use zombie.core.Styles
Classes in zombie.core.Styles used by zombie.core
Classes in zombie.core.Styles used by zombie.core.StylesClassDescriptionConvenient base class implementation ofWhat to do with the alpha to the colours of a spriteQuickly hacked together expandable list of floatsReally basic geometry data which is used byQuickly hacked together expandable list of shortsThe default sprite renderer has various different styles of rendering, which affect what data it uses from the buffer and what GL state that it sets and resets before and after rendering.Renders sprites with proper alpha transparency.
Classes in zombie.core.Styles used by zombie.core.spriteClassDescriptionConvenient base class implementation ofThe default sprite renderer has various different styles of rendering, which affect what data it uses from the buffer and what GL state that it sets and resets before and after rendering.