Uses of Record Class
Packages that use Feature
Uses of Feature in zombie.iso.worldgen
Methods in zombie.iso.worldgen that return FeatureMethods in zombie.iso.worldgen that return types with arguments of type FeatureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWGReader.loadReplacements
(se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaTable kahluaTable0) Method parameters in zombie.iso.worldgen with type arguments of type Feature -
Uses of Feature in zombie.iso.worldgen.biomes
Methods in zombie.iso.worldgen.biomes that return types with arguments of type FeatureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBiome.getFeatures()
abstract Map
<FeatureType, List<Feature>> BiomeAbstract.getFeatures()
Constructor parameters in zombie.iso.worldgen.biomes with type arguments of type FeatureModifierConstructorDescriptionBiome
(String string0, String string1, boolean boolean0, Map<FeatureType, List<Feature>> map0, Map<String, List<Feature>> map1, EnumSet<BiomeType.Landscape> enumSet0, EnumSet<BiomeType.Plant> enumSet1, EnumSet<BiomeType.Bush> enumSet2, EnumSet<BiomeType.Temperature> enumSet3, EnumSet<BiomeType.Hygrometry> enumSet4, EnumSet<BiomeType.OreLevel> enumSet5, float float0, List<String> list, Grass grass)