Interface Mover

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseVehicle, IsoAnimal, IsoBall, IsoBloodDrop, IsoDeadBody, IsoDummyCameraCharacter, IsoFallingClothing, IsoGameCharacter, IsoLivingCharacter, IsoLuaCharacter, IsoLuaMover, IsoMolotovCocktail, IsoMovingObject, IsoPhysicsObject, IsoPlayer, IsoPushableObject, IsoSurvivor, IsoWheelieBin, IsoZombie, IsoZombieGiblets, IsoZombieHead, RandomizedBuildingBase.HumanCorpse

public interface Mover
A tagging interface for an object representing the entity in the game that is going to moving along the path. This allows us to pass around entity/state information to determine whether a particular tile is blocked, or how much cost to apply on a particular tile. For instance, a Mover might represent a tank or plane on a game map. Passing round this entity allows us to determine whether rough ground on a map should effect the unit's cost for moving through the tile.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • getID

      int getID()
    • getPathFindIndex

      int getPathFindIndex()