Package zombie.core.skinnedmodel.advancedanimation
package zombie.core.skinnedmodel.advancedanimation
ClassDescriptionAbstractAnimationVariableSlotEnum<EnumType extends Enum<EnumType>>Created by LEMMYMAIN on 26/01/2015.An Animation Variable Slot Used to store a variable's key+value pair, and its current type.AnimationVariableSlotCallback<VariableType>Strong-typed utility type.AnimationVariableSlotCallbackEnum<EnumType extends Enum<EnumType>>AnimationVariableSlotEnum<EnumType extends Enum<EnumType>>class AnimEvent Used to set a game variable from an animation node.Created by LEMMYMAIN on 16/04/2015.Created by LEMMYMAIN on 16/04/2015.An Animation Variable Slot Used to store a variable's key+value pair, and its current type.The Live version of an AnimNode The AnimNode represents the data.