Interface IAnimationVariableSource

  • Method Details

    • getVariable

      Returns the specified variable slot. Or NULL if not found.
    • getVariable

      default IAnimationVariableSlot getVariable(String key)
      Returns the specified variable slot. Or NULL if not found.
    • getVariableString

      default String getVariableString(String name)
      Returns the specified variable. Or an empty string "" if not found.
    • getVariableFloat

      default float getVariableFloat(String name, float defaultVal)
      Returns the specified variable, as a float. Attempts to convert the string variable to a float. If that fails, or if variable not found, returns the defaultValue
    • getVariableBoolean

      default boolean getVariableBoolean(String name)
      Returns the specified variable, as a boolean. Attempts to convert the string variable to a boolean. If that fails, or if variable not found, returns FALSE
    • getVariableBoolean

      default boolean getVariableBoolean(String key, boolean defaultVal)
      Returns the specified variable, as a boolean. Attempts to convert the string variable to a boolean. If that fails, or if variable not found, returns defaultVal
    • getVariableEnum

      default <EnumType extends Enum<EnumType>> EnumType getVariableEnum(String string, EnumType _enum)
    • getGameVariables

      Iterable<IAnimationVariableSlot> getGameVariables()
      Returns all Game variables.
    • isVariable

      boolean isVariable(String name, String val)
      Compares (ignoring case) the value of the specified variable. Returns TRUE if they match.
    • containsVariable

      boolean containsVariable(String name)
    • getSubVariableSource

      default IAnimationVariableSource getSubVariableSource(String var1)