Uses of Class
Packages that use IsoCell
Uses of IsoCell in zombie
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.characters
Methods in zombie.characters that return IsoCellMethods in zombie.characters with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IsoSurvivor
(SurvivorDesc desc, IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int z) Constructors in zombie.characters with parameters of type IsoCellModifierConstructorDescriptionIsoGameCharacter
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z) IsoLivingCharacter
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z) IsoPlayer
(IsoCell cell, SurvivorDesc desc, int x, int y, int z) IsoPlayer
(IsoCell isoCell, SurvivorDesc survivorDesc, int int2, int int1, int int0, boolean boolean0) IsoSurvivor
(SurvivorDesc desc, IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int z) IsoSurvivor
(SurvivorDesc desc, IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int z, boolean bSetInstance) IsoSurvivor
(IsoCell cell) IsoZombie
(IsoCell cell, SurvivorDesc desc, int _palette) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.characters.animals
Constructors in zombie.characters.animals with parameters of type IsoCellModifierConstructorDescriptionIsoAnimal
(IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, String string0, String string1, boolean boolean0) IsoAnimal
(IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, String string, AnimalBreed animalBreed) IsoAnimal
(IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, String string, AnimalBreed animalBreed, boolean boolean0) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.gameStates
Methods in zombie.gameStates with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDebugChunkState.lineClearCached
(IsoCell cell, int x1, int y1, int z1, int x0, int y0, int z0, boolean bIgnoreDoors) static void
(IsoCell cell, int drawFloor, int tilew, int _offx, int _offy) static void
(IsoCell cell, int drawFloor, float _zoom, int _offx, int _offy, float _xPos, float _yPos, int _draww, int _drawh) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.iso
Fields in zombie.iso declared as IsoCellMethods in zombie.iso that return IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIsoGridSquare.getCell()
static IsoCell
static IsoCell
(IsoSpriteManager spr, int wx, int wy) Methods in zombie.iso with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(IsoSprite spr, IsoObjectType type, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int height, String name) static Class
(IsoCell cell, int classID) Deprecated.static IsoObject
(IsoCell cell, byte classID) static IsoObject
(IsoCell cell, ByteBuffer b) static IsoObject
(IsoCell cell, int classID) Deprecated.static IsoGridSquareCollisionData
(IsoCell isoCell, int int7, int int5, int int1, int int2, int int3, int int0, boolean boolean1) static IsoGridSquare
(ArrayDeque<IsoGridSquare> _isoGridSquareCache, IsoCell cell, SliceY slice, int _x, int _y, int _z) static IsoGridSquare
protected IsoObject
(IsoCell isoCell) static LosUtil.TestResults
(IsoCell cell, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, boolean bIgnoreDoors) static LosUtil.TestResults
(IsoCell cell, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, boolean bIgnoreDoors, int RangeTillWindows) static LosUtil.TestResults
(IsoCell cell, int x1, int y1, int z1, int x0, int y0, int z0, boolean bIgnoreDoors, int playerIndex) static int
(IsoGameCharacter chr, IsoCell cell, int x1, int y1, int z1, int x0, int y0, int z0) static boolean
(IsoCell cell, int wx, int wy, IsoChunk chunk) Constructors in zombie.iso with parameters of type IsoCellModifierConstructorDescriptionIsoButcherHook
(IsoCell isoCell) IsoChunkMap
(IsoCell _cell) IsoGridSquare
(IsoCell cell, SliceY slice, int _x, int _y, int _z) IsoMovingObject
(IsoCell cell) IsoMovingObject
(IsoCell cell, boolean bObjectListAdd) IsoMovingObject
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare square, IsoSprite spr, boolean bObjectListAdd) IsoObject
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare _square, String gid) IsoObject
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare _square, IsoSprite spr) IsoPhysicsObject
(IsoCell cell) IsoPushableObject
(IsoCell cell) IsoPushableObject
(IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int z) IsoPushableObject
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare square, IsoSprite spr) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.iso.areas
Methods in zombie.iso.areas with parameters of type IsoCellConstructors in zombie.iso.areas with parameters of type IsoCell -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.iso.fboRenderChunk
Fields in zombie.iso.fboRenderChunk declared as IsoCell -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.iso.objects
Methods in zombie.iso.objects with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, int power) static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare) Deprecated.static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean IgniteOnAny, int FireStartingEnergy) static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean IgniteOnAny, int FireStartingEnergy, int Life) static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanSee) static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanSee) static void
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean IgniteOnAny, int FireStartingEnergy, int Life) Constructors in zombie.iso.objects with parameters of type IsoCellModifierConstructorDescriptionIsoAnimalTrack
(IsoCell isoCell) IsoBall
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z, float xvel, float yvel, HandWeapon _weapon, IsoGameCharacter _character) IsoBarbecue
(IsoCell cell) IsoBarbecue
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoBarricade
(IsoCell cell) IsoBloodDrop
(IsoCell cell) IsoBloodDrop
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z, float xvel, float yvel) IsoBrokenGlass
(IsoCell cell) IsoCarBatteryCharger
(InventoryItem _item, IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare square) IsoCarBatteryCharger
(IsoCell cell) IsoClothingDryer
(IsoCell cell) IsoClothingDryer
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoClothingWasher
(IsoCell cell) IsoClothingWasher
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoCombinationWasherDryer
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoCompost
(IsoCell cell) IsoCompost
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, String string) IsoCompost
(IsoCell var1, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoSprite isoSprite) IsoCurtain
(IsoCell cell) IsoCurtain
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, String gid, boolean _north) IsoCurtain
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, IsoSprite gid, boolean _north, boolean spriteclosed) IsoDeadBody
(IsoCell cell) IsoDoor
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, String _gid, boolean _north) IsoDoor
(IsoCell var1, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, String string0, boolean boolean0, se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaTable kahluaTable) IsoDoor
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, IsoSprite _gid, boolean _north) IsoFallingClothing
(IsoCell cell) IsoFallingClothing
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z, float xvel, float yvel, InventoryItem _clothing) IsoFeedingTrough
(IsoCell isoCell) IsoFire
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare) IsoFire
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanBurnAnywhere, int StartingEnergy) IsoFire
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanBurnAnywhere, int StartingEnergy, int SetLife) IsoFire
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanBurnAnywhere, int StartingEnergy, int SetLife, boolean isSmoke) IsoFireplace
(IsoCell cell) IsoFireplace
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoGenerator
(InventoryItem item, IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq) IsoGenerator
(InventoryItem item, IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, boolean remote) IsoGenerator
(IsoCell cell) IsoJukebox
(IsoCell cell) IsoJukebox
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, String gid) IsoJukebox
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite spr) IsoLightSwitch
(IsoCell cell) IsoLightSwitch
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoSprite isoSprite, long long0) IsoMannequin
(IsoCell cell) IsoMannequin
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare square, IsoSprite sprite) IsoMolotovCocktail
(IsoCell cell) IsoMolotovCocktail
(IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z, float xvel, float yvel, HandWeapon _weapon, IsoGameCharacter _character) IsoRadio
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite spr) IsoRaindrop
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, boolean CanSee) IsoRainSplash
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare) IsoStackedWasherDryer
(IsoCell cell) IsoStackedWasherDryer
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoStove
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite gid) IsoTelevision
(IsoCell cell) IsoTelevision
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite spr) IsoThumpable
(IsoCell cell) IsoThumpable
(IsoCell var1, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, String string, boolean boolean0) IsoThumpable
(IsoCell var1, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, String string, boolean boolean0, se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaTable kahluaTable) IsoThumpable
(IsoCell var1, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, String string1, String string0, boolean boolean0, se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaTable kahluaTable) IsoTrap
(HandWeapon _weapon, IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq) IsoWaveSignal
(IsoCell cell) IsoWaveSignal
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare sq, IsoSprite spr) IsoWheelieBin
(IsoCell cell) IsoWheelieBin
(IsoCell cell, int x, int y, int z) IsoWindow
(IsoCell cell, IsoGridSquare gridSquare, IsoSprite gid, boolean _north) IsoWindowFrame
(IsoCell isoCell) IsoWindowFrame
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoSprite isoSprite, boolean boolean0) IsoZombieGiblets
(IsoCell cell) IsoZombieGiblets
(IsoZombieGiblets.GibletType type, IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z, float xvel, float yvel) IsoZombieHead
(IsoCell cell) IsoZombieHead
(IsoZombieHead.GibletType type, IsoCell cell, float x, float y, float z) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.iso.worldgen
Methods in zombie.iso.worldgen with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String string, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, Random var7) void
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoChunk isoChunk, int int0, int int1) boolean
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoChunk isoChunk, int int1, int int3) void
(IsoCell isoCell, IsoChunk isoChunk, int int0, int int1) void
(Road road, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, int var7, int var8, int var9, EnumMap<FeatureType, String[]> var10, Random random) void
(OreVein oreVein, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, int var7, int var8, int var9, EnumMap<FeatureType, String[]> var10, Random random) void
(IBiome biome, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoChunk isoChunk, IsoCell isoCell, int int3, int int4, int int5, int int0, int int1, int int2, EnumMap<FeatureType, String[]> enumMap, boolean boolean0, Random random) boolean
(IBiome biome, FeatureType featureType, IsoGridSquare isoGridSquare, IsoChunk isoChunk, IsoCell isoCell, int int4, int int5, int int6, int int1, int int2, int int3, EnumMap<FeatureType, String[]> enumMap, Random random) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.Lua
Methods in zombie.Lua that return IsoCellMethods in zombie.Lua with parameters of type IsoCellModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IsoAnimal
(IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, String string, AnimalBreed animalBreed) static IsoAnimal
(IsoCell isoCell, int int0, int int1, int int2, String string, AnimalBreed animalBreed, boolean boolean0) -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.randomizedWorld.randomizedBuilding
Constructors in zombie.randomizedWorld.randomizedBuilding with parameters of type IsoCell -
Uses of IsoCell in zombie.vehicles
Constructors in zombie.vehicles with parameters of type IsoCell